The picture on the left was me hanging out in Jess' dorm room when I was 19 years old.
Who the hell is Jess?
Jess my first serious relationship.
She was my girlfriend at the time and about two months after that picture was taken she dumped because college had way more bigger, stronger, and more 'manly men' to offer her than I least that's how I saw it at the time.
I was devastated, depressed and broken.
4 months later I walked into my local boxing gym to sign up for a trial, fell in love and I became a student of the game and found beauty in a violent sport of blood, sweat, and tears.
I recorded hours of VHS steps of fighters like Pernell ‘Sweet Pea’ Whitaker, Zab Judah, and Pretty Boy Floyd and watched them on repeat, in slow motion and mimicked their mannerisms when I was in the ring.
I was still a little dude. I fought at 141 pounds but I only weighed 137 and it was a shredded 137.
Soon after that my amateur boxing career was cut short due to a motorcycle accident that left me with two broken wrists, a minor case of road rash, and a banged up Honda CBR-600 RR.
I slipped right back into that lonely, anxious and scared state that I was just a year before when I had my heart broken.
The next 2 and a half months I barely left the house.
I cut the thumbs out of my casts so I could play video games and numbed myself with Whiskey and pain killers.
It wasn't the physical pain that bothered me, it was everything else.
When I was surfing the web I found a guy named Ross Enamait and read every piece of strength and conditioning information I could my hands on.
Next thing you know graduated with a Masters Degree in Exercise Science, studied under three world class strength coaches and soaked up every bit of knowledge they were willing to give me.
I got a few ridiculously expensive pieces of paper that 'qualified me as an expert' and made me stand out amongst my peers...
- Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
- Certified Physical Preparedness Coach
- Westside Barbell Certified Special Strengths Coach
- Masters of Exercise Science
But more importantly I practice what I preach and spent the last 10 years ‘under the bar’ putting everything I’ve ever learned to the test and I know how to get results...
I've put on over 50+ lbs of muscle, broke a record at Westside Barbell which is ‘The Strongest Powerlifting Gym’ in the World, have deadlifted 3.2x my bodyweight (585lbs weighing 179lbs and 600lbs), squatted over 500lbs and set a New Jersey State Bench Press record.